Luisa was born in 1938, daughter of a local painter famous for having painted numerous churches in the area. She is the last of six daughters and she learned her knowledge with the nuns of Luigi Rossi from Positano, who at the time introduced young women to the world of work, teaching them the art of sewing and “tombolo”.
She spent his childhood in post-war Positano and around 12/13 years began his career with Irene Kowaliska; the famous artist and painter from Warsaw, moved to Positano after her studies in pictorial art in Berlin. Famous for its characteristic prints on Vietri ceramics, Kowaliska introduced Positano and the young Luisa to the world of fashion, reaching the elegant atelier of the Fontana sisters in Rome with her innovative prints.

In the ’60s, the beauty of Luisa and her thick hair make her the face of Positano’s new tailor’s. Her future as an entrepreneur was born in 1969, the result of the experience gathered and the desire to work in the field of Positano Fashion. After learning the tradition of handmade work, Luisa first started selling her craft works and then extending the sale giving job opportunities to other local artisans.

Over the years the company has grown to become, with the collaboration of the sons Giulio, Susanna and Giovanna, a veritable workshop of women’s clothes. The first-born Giulio, after having studied modeling studies and having collected work experience in laboratories and use of the Cad, deals with the creation of models and cutting.
Susanna, the second-born, followed her studies in Economics and Commerce at the Faculty of Naples Federico II. After having collected a wealth of experience among various European fairs in the fashion world, she returns to his boutique proposing creative, romantic clothes and new prints, without ever forgetting the tradition of Positano lace, gaining the consent of every customer. Finally, Giovanna, the last daughter, is now a point of reference in Positano and friend of every customer, winning everyone with her sympathy and the ability to speak more foreign languages.